Thursday, 25 November 2010

Show Learning Outcome 3 Task 4

For task 4 of learning outcome 3, we have to describe the target audience of our product and justify the age range through the marketing materials we have produced. Because I have made a game where a student must escape college, I would imagine my product will be best suited for 16 - 19 year old's. However, I have also broadened the age rage of my product, in order to get a wider source of feedback, by exhibiting my game through an old arcade cabinet. As I brought this element from a couple of generations ago, I hope that my target audience will grow so that more people will enjoy my product. I believe I have fully justified my target audience through my promotional materials, which in my case is the poster and the logo, and possibly even the arcade cabinet itself. My main trademark for my product was the pixelated picture of the character for my game. I made it so that it was pixelated because 8-bit animation was how all the classic arcade games looked. This element of my promotional materials would clearly appeal to the older generation of my target audience. The other promotional material of mine, the logo, would definitely appeal to the younger generation of my target audience. I entitled my game, 'I'm A Student Get Me Out Of Here'! I thought this was a very good idea for a name because the title hints at what the game is about, and also references the TV show 'I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here'! which is so popular among my age group.

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