Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Show Learning Outcome 2 Task 1 Ideas

So far for task 1, I have managed to generate ideas that I would be interested in pursuing for this unit. Originally, I wanted to produce street art. I liked the thought of doing this idea because it is quite unique and original, and would also be perfect for a unit like this where we have to show it at the end. In terms of the show itself, the reason why I think street art would be a perfect choice is because there are many ways in which you could display a product like this. Whether it be a gallery of street art, an exhibition, or even displayed through photographs in a screening, street art opens up many opportunities in terms of the way it can be shown.
After further developing the idea of street art, I decided I wanted to get even more out of it. I tried thinking of ways I could combine other forms of creative and media products with street art, and finally concluded that a good creative idea would be an animation. However, after advancing further into the project, my idea became considerably more dominated by animation; and eventually I was talking of producing a stop motion without the intervention of street art at all.
However, most recently I have again changed my idea. Although I felt thoroughly pleased with the idea of producing an animation, I soon found myself uninspired, and felt like changing my idea completely. The third and most current idea that I've generated is to produce a game. The first step I've taken towards developing the idea of producing a game, is researching the different game platforms that are out there. The type of game that has so far interested me the most, is the hand-held platform. From the traditional Game Boy, to the more contemporary Nintendo DS, hand held games have certainly been one of the most successful of all the platforms. However, it would be anything but easy to develop a game that would be compatible with the likes of Nintendo's leading hand held console. So, when I had to develop this idea further, I tried thinking of easier ways in which I could still get a game onto the more contemporary mainstream market. This is when I instantly thought of Apple's iPhone, iPod and iPad applications, or 'apps'. These applications could arguably be seen as the next step in hand held games. Not only is it a good choice for a type of game, but it would also be a great choice for the wider context of the unit. This project is all about the show, and rather than being something like a performance, screening, installation or an exhibition, it gives me the chance to add something original to the unit because people could actually interact with this idea.

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