Monday, 11 October 2010

Minutes Of Group Marketing Meeting

Today, the rest of the group and I used one of our lessons to discuss the marketing aspect of this unit. Before thinking of the ways in which we would advertise our show, we all discussed what the name of our show, and the logo of our show, could be.
First of all, we all acknowledged that it would be difficult to come up with a name too specific because all of our ideas wouldn't fit under the same title. Because of this, we all decided on choosing a name that is more general. The ideas that we were torn between were Collective and Connect. Conclusively we decided on choosing Collective because although the ideas our media group have come up with do relate to the idea of 'connecting' to their audience, the performing arts aren't doing anything that could really relate to this. So we all decided on Collective because all of our individual ideas are different, but collected together and displayed in one show.
As for the design aspect, we all decided on choosing a symbol or emblem that represents the unity of our individual ideas. We came to the conclusion that a jigsaw shape would best fit this criteria. We are now at the point of producing this logo on the college computers using photoshop and illustrator.

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