Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Practitioner Interview

Today the rest of the students and I interviewed the Acorn Operation Manager. Her job is to help organize all the events and sort out all the acts so everything at the Arts Centre runs smoothly. She gave us in depth information about how the Centre was run so we can extract what information we may need when it comes to the production of our own show for this unit. She also gave us advice on how we should produce our own show; she recommends putting on a show with a line-up based on how we want to pitch to our audiences. She also thinks we should have a line-up that is broken into different types of performers; this is so the audience don't get bored of the same thing and that there is an act for everyone to enjoy. She says when it comes to putting on our own show, that we think about only producing media materials that play over a duration of about 5 minutes each. Again this is so the audience don't get bored and lose interest. She said in all, try to make it short and snappy. Apart from describing to us how she thinks we should make our own show, she gave us the latest information about the break down news surrounding the Acorn. She said that although the Acorn is no longer a centre run by a group of people, it still remains as an arts theater for volunteers who want to hire the building out and want to put on shows of their own.

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